• * The Study

The methodology for conducting this Study is composed of the following:

  • Literature review.

  • Ancillary tools and materials preparation represented in aerial photographs, topographic maps, thematic maps, GIS software, etc.

  • Identification of study area based on specified criteria.

  • Socioeconomic status investigation of communities adjacent to the identified areas.

  • Mapping unit delineation, based on topography, which are composed of hillcrests, slopes, footslopes and drainage depressions.

  • Terrain characteristics identification of each mapping unit in terms of steepness, aspect, rockoutcrop and climate.

  • Limiting factors matrix construction: since many factors determine the land suitability for reclamation, a matrix for these factors was constructed by giving a weight for each factor.

  • Identifying land suitable for reclamation, forestry and rangeland based on physical features characterization and on socio-economic status of surrounding communities.

  • Application of the aforementioned analysis at the Governorate level.

  • Preparation of the land suitability maps for reclamation, forests and rangelands uses.